Elder Winegar: On Tour

Monday, February 28, 2022

 My fellow Americans, what is freaking good. This week was a world wind of crazy but that's not really new. 

This week I had the priviledge of only sleeping in my bed three out of the seven days. I was on exchanges with Elder Alcala, Jimenez, Bermudez, and had a sleepover with the zone leaders. All lovely perks of being the district leader's companion lol. Had loads of fun though, we're doing exchanges with everyone again this week because our mission stat sheet for finding people and what not has been pretty lousy, which is mking the leaders STRESSED. Pretty funny lol.

Saturday, we got a text from the bishop at like 9pm, asking for a favor. That's when I knew we were screwed. He asked us if we could give talks about mission work. At first, I was thinking "Well shoot, the last time I gave a talk, it took me 6 hours just to write everything out." This time though, I studied for 5 minutes, and gave a 10 minute spanish talk that, not to brag or anything, was pretty dang good. I even got one of those two minutes left notes💪 Dunno how but somehow I'm a missionary lol

This week we also had a little devotional study thing, and I was lucky that I got to watch it during an intercambio with E. Alcala. We started out just talking about random comments about the devotional, and ended up with some craaazy deep doctrine that was sweet. Biggest thing that we learned though was that, without baptism, we CANNOT be fully repented. So, if you already are baptized, please take the time this week to exercise the power of this covenant to become clean once again.

Partake of the sacrament and take advantage of the opportunity we have to be made anew every single second.

Oh ya, and a little cherry on top for the week was that I absolutely puked and pooped my guts last night. I'm typing this all out from my bed and I'll probably go asleep again after I send this out to you goobers. The things I do for you guys ;)

Bye bye take care and stay healthy(please)

E. Winegar

Sick lit dope foto haul

1-forgot to mention this but we got to listen to an area 70🤑

2-Me and E. Alcala with drug rugs

3-E. Jimenez and me

4-Box of scorpions

5-W/ E. Alcala again

6-Teaching family home evening

7-Squad pic

8-Little gem I found

9-In the car of the area 70 waiting for him to get out of his hotel

(Pictures might be out of order, try and figure it out if you can, make it a game!)

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